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May 5, 2005
MAY 5, 2005

Attendees:  Carl Shreder, Harry LaCortiglia, Paul Nelson, Mike Birmingham, Tom Howland, Steve Przyjemski, Laura Repplier


Reps:  Tim Toomey, SRT; Jim Luker, ENPRO

Paul N - Looks like after everything is done there isn’t enough information to put together another plan that would work.  We still need to collect enough samples to inform a project action plan for the owner & LSP.  What we do will be driven by the sampling results - cost may be a large factor.  Does it apply to whole site?

Site has to be gridded.  That timeframe is at least 5-6 weeks - testing for low levels & these properties is very difficult & the labs are difficult to schedule..    

Jim L – We have to get to Phase II after sampling.  For now we should home in on the most concerning aspect - cleaning up hazardous waste.  After that we can focus on Phase II.

Carl S- Have you found Lead & Bi-phenyl compounds all over the site?

Jim L - Some parts, we have concerns about the stream.  Some chemicals in the report are just there to help verify validity of testing.

Harry L - What about the pile of material excavated from the detention basin?

Carl S - Is it covered?

Jim L – Yes it is, covered.  When can we get rid of it?

Harry L – Within 10-15 days.

Jim L - 15 is reasonable

Paul N – The EO would include information for the new OOC – a rudimentary plan with tasks & dates.

Carl S - All down to the ground level.  The wells are in place.  We need to do additional sampling for groundwater, grid points.

Jim L – We will go out & take more samples to get a better schedule together.  Data will be available within about 5 wks.  May have dioxin results in another 2 weeks.

Carl S – Will that data & results give us Phase II?

Jim L - Phase II would complicate things if we combine too much together.  We should put the buffer zones on the OoC, including all contamination problems.

Tim T – There are many different areas that need to be investigated.

Carl S – We are still investigating rather than cleaning up.  We need to solidify the game plan.  

Jim L - RAM is voluntary clean up action.  Depending on what we find we may have to have many phases.    Lead in the soil near stream is a major problem which will also complicate the upper parts of site as well.

Paul N – The OoC is for the RAM plan.  

Carl S – We haven’t estimated how to approach the clean-up & how broad it will be.  It will be a challenge to get a meaningful plan.

Tim T - Everyone has to comply with the Mass Contingency Plan.  If we have an OoC to follow the MCP could work easily - only have to give notifications.

Carl S - GCC needs to be in the loop.  We need to get updates.

Harry L - All will require modifications to the OoC.  We should have a whole night to talk about it.  

MOTION to issue an EO to include:

·       Submittal of schedule for implementation of RAM Plan (Required by DEP)
·       ENPRO / SRT will submit a figure and work plan for the soil removal at the site within 15 days of this order.  The work plan and figure will depict the area of proposed soil removal and estimated volume  to be removed, all stockpiled soil locations and handling procedures and erosion controls.  The work plan will have a summary of all contaminants found at the site to date with locations and depth.  This work plan will be incorporated in the modification of the OoC.  In the case where the volume exceeds 1500 cubic yards or dioxins or PCBs
·       if the pile of stockpiled material is not removed within 15 days from issuance of the EO then a fine of $300 per day / each day as separate incident be imposed in effect for 60 days

- Harry / John / Unam

Rep:  Jim Lynch, Owner

Jim – Wants to add a farmer’s porch - 8 x 38’.  Lot is 2.5 acres.  25% of cost of project is delineation fees.  SP did a site visit.  There are no footings, just digging holes for sonar tubes.  

MOTION that agent proceed with signoff

PN - What did Steve find?

SP – The corner of the house is the closest point to the wetland - 30’ from wetland.  Grass goes 5’ up to wetland - just losing grass.  Impervious surface area won’t change.  

Reps:  Dan Duvall, Project Manager, East West; Gregg Brunett, Brassard Design Engineering

Carl S - Is this a significant change?  

Dan d – The wetland flags have been lost over time and need to be replaced - they will do that.

Paul N – We need to make sure they adhere to the OoC - wetland flags etc.

MOTION to deem the new plan an improvement over the plan referenced in the original OoC - Harry / Mike / Unam


Steve P - There are two OoCs - one for clean-up behind the dry cleaner & one for site improvements.  Keep together for leverage?

Carl S - Have they done everything?

Steve P – They have submitted an as-built plan & delta documentation.  Rip rap has been installed, the silt fence is down now, re-grading & seeded last week & today.  

Harry L - Is it stabilized?

Steve P - Can’t confirm that until the grass comes in.  They want it signed off so the contractor can be released.

Harry L – We can’t sign it off until stabilization to confirm that it will hold.

Carl S – There is no problem in signing off if stabilization is approved.


No applicant
Reps:  Mr & Mrs. Stanwood, abutters
Mrs. Stanwood - Great flood 2001.  Photos shown.

Letter entered from old file dated Jan 25, 2001 from Lynne Grayton, Cons Agt.

MOTION to continue to June 16, 7:30 - Harry / John / Unam

Rep:  Nilson Tidd, Judy Tidd, Applicants

Title conflict.  H have filed suit against the town to get it resolved.  Requesting 6 month continuation.   

MOTION to continue to Nov 17, 8:00 - Harry / Mike / Unam


Harry L - At next Town Meeting GCC should sponsor an article to change the bylaw to be able to extend an OoC for more than 1 year and more than once.

Paul N - RDA is not a proper mechanism to keep an OoC open.

Harry L - Change the date as a modification?

Carl S - Must be consistent in how interpret language of bylaws.  

MOTION to continue to Nov 17, 8:30 - Harry / John / Unam

Carl S – This OoC has to stay open until the whole sub-div is done.

Rep:  Michael Wierbonics

Michael W – This is a 5.8 acre parcel, bounded by residences. Currently one SFH, drive, yard & shed.  Mostly forested, and vegetated wetland.  Need verification of the wetland boundary.  

Steve P – Is this in a NHESP area?  Do we need to contact them for an ANRAD?

MOTION to conduct a site walk on Sat, May 14, 9:31 am - Harry / John / Unam

Michael W – They are filing an ANRAD to determine what can be done with the site, if anything.  Flagging was done in August 2004 by vegetation, soils & hydration.  

MOTION to engage an independent wetland contractor to verify the wetland line - Harry / John / Unam

MOTION to continue to July 14, 8:00 - John / Harry / Unam  

Rep:  James Delanski, Seekamp

Requested GCC to decide on third party wetland reviewer and method of payment for review - bill directly or Revolving Acct.

MOTION to hire an independent reviewer, agent to choose, - John / Mike / Unam

MOTION to conduct site walk May 21, 8:00 am - John / Mike / Unam

MOTION to continue to July 14, 8:30 - Mike / John / Unam

Rep:  Bill Dudley, Pentucket Pond Advisory Committee

Bill D – Do we have to follow NHESP recommendations?  

John B – Yes, because it’s a Great Pond - the town has the right to ban activities but the state owns the lake underneath.

Bill D – NHESP has ultimate control because it’s a Great Pond.  They want barriers around the treated areas.

Harry L – We have $45,000 available from CPA funds.

Bill D - Gerry Smith (ACT) said a number of times that partial treatments are not effective.  The bridle shiner was seen in 1999 when fanwort was first treated.  They were there before the fanwort & are still there.

Carl S - Fanwort is killing the plants the fish like.

Bill D - They are telling us to do it the most expensive way to get the worst results.

Carl S - Nothing will eliminate it, just keep it at bay.

John B - Hopefully there would be a better outcome with a whole pond treatment.  But spot treatment can’t hurt.  

Bill D – There is a huge outbreak in the Western end - not included in Nein’s list.  It’s spreading like wildfire.

Carl S – We need to go back to our ACT consultant & ask what they can do with the money we have available now.  

Harry L – Even a whole pond treatment wont get rid of it.  It needed a management plan that extended out far - didn’t have that last time did a partial treatment.

Carl S – We can either do nothing at all or try to do something tactically.  

Bill D – It’s too late to do anything for this year.  Said had to start late May to early June.  We don’t have contractors in place - need 3 bids and only 2 companies can do it.

Carl S – It is worst at the back area of the pond.  

Harry L - They say they can treat that area.  How do we initiate an OoC for that?

Bill D - Barriers have to be approved by NHESP.

Carl S – Let’s get it done, send them a plan & do it.  We have to do something.

Paul N - Send them a project plan that includes a management plan 5 years out.

Carl S – We will add in a request for money to do it

Harry L – This would be a CPA request.

Carl S – Let’s take advantage of the money we have.  We are a test case.  The NHESO had bad results with SONAR in the past - areas of high concentration.  Can’t predict how it will spread in liquid.

John B – We need to show a long-range management plan.

Bill D - Liquid Sonar should distribute equally.  Pelletized Sonar can be used for spot treatment.  The barriers are to keep the fish out & stop Sonar from spreading. Treating like this may exceed over $45k.  

Carl S - They are waiting for us to propose a plan.  The only way to deal with it is to come up with some sort of plan.

Harry L – We need to clarify whether NHESP has authority or advisory.  Do they have permitting authority or can we permit it above them?

Paul N - This letter came from Mass Fish & Wildlife - not just NHESP.  They are much more powerful.

Mike B - Is it worth doing if the impact will be minimal?  

John B – The peak optimum time is by the end of May / early June.

Bill D – The SONAR has to be maintained in concentration.  

Harry L – One difficulty in writing an OoC is in predicting what the NHESP will want in the next few years.  

Carl S - Bill should ask Gerry Smith, ACT to write up a plan, and submit it to GCC.  We will send it to the NHESP for comment by next meeting.

MOTION to continue to May 19, 9:00 - John / Harry / Unam